Seward Animal Hospital has been serving the area's animal health needs for over 40 years, and offers over 60 years combined veterinary medical experience. Seward Animal Hospital staff is dedicated to your animal's health and care. With a high level of diagnostic support and available treatments, we are prepared to serve your animal needs. Call for an appointment today: (402) 643-3681
Heartworm season is all year long. Preventative heartworm medications do more than prevent Heartworm Disease. Most will also protect your dog from an important list of internal parasites, help reduce flea populations, and even treat for tapeworms. Flea and tick preparations have also evolved to safer more convenient medications, including oral preparations available at the Seward Animal Hospital.
Animal Emergencies
Please call 402-643-3681. There is a recorded message telling you how to contact the veterinarian on call.
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