
Meet the Team

Dr. Ron Wallman
Dr. Ron Wallman received his DVM from lowa State University in 1982 and has a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Nebraska. Ron is married to Annette who is now retired from a career in education. They have a daughter Lindsey who, with her husband Evan and two children Addie and Linden live in Gretna. Lindsey is also a veterinarian while Evan works in ag sales. Dr. Wallman's professional interests include beef and dairy cattle as well as surgery in both companion and food animals.
Dr. Wallman is very active professionally as a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association, American Association of Veterinary Practitioners, Academy of Veterinary Consultants and Nebraska Cattlemen. In the Seward community he is a member of Faith Lutheran Church, Seward Rotary, Seward County Ag Society, Seward Planning Commission and Blue River Pet Rescue. Ron has served in numerous leadership activities including terms as President of the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association, Faith Lutheran Church, Rotary, Ag Society, and Seward Planning Commission. He enjoys interacting with young people by speaking to 4H clubs, FFA groups, and classes ranging from preschoolers to veterinary students. Each summer Dr. Wallman judges the Pet Show at the Seward County Fair and, in October, serves as the M.C. for the Rotary Costume Contest.
In addition to spending time with the grandchildren, Ron and his wife Annette are avid golfers, enjoy gardening together, and follow Husker football and basketball. They love their German Wire Hair dogs who also help out Ron with his pursuit of pheasant and quail each Fall. Ron also enjoys doing some woodworking when time permits.

Dr. Jay Wolverton
Dr. Jay Wolverton is a 1990 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine and a 1986 Animal Science graduate of the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Jay and wife Cindy have three adult children Keith, Cara and Scott.
Jay was a very active in 4H and FFA as a youth and has been a volunteer for area youth organizations. Cindy is the 4H Assistant at the Seward County Extension Office working with youth development and agriculture literacy. Affiliations include American Red Angus Association, Nebraska Cattlemen's Association and the American Quarter Horse Association.
Dr. Wolverton is a member of the Nebraska Veterinary Medicine Association, The Society for Theriogenology, the American Association of Equine Practitioners and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Breeding Season is a busy time for him providing cattle artificial Insemination and frozen embryo transfers.

Dr. Dan Ellis
Dr. Ellis graduated high school in Seward and attended Concordia University in Seward as well. He then attended Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, graduating in 2005. He has practiced at Seward Animal Hospital since graduating.
Dan appreciates the variety of cases that are presented by being in a mixed-animal practice, while having specific interests in surgery and dentistry.
Dan currently resides in Seward with his wife, Elissa, and daughters, Sophia and Myra. He enjoys golf, the outdoors, and hunting with their dogs , Harvy when he can. Dan also enjoys being involved in the community as a member of Seward City Planning Commission. Dan has served one-year terms, on three occasions on the board of directors for Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association.

Tammie Ferris
Tammie has been with the Seward Animal Hospital team since May 2011. Tammie and her husband Jay live north of Seward. They have two grown sons and a grown daughter. All are married and have blessed her with 7 grandchildren with another expected in December.
Tammie and Jay have 2 dogs, Wrigley (11+ years) and Renegade (6 months) and a cat, Lottie (11 yrs).

Holly Stull
Holly Stull joined Seward Animal Hospital in June 2023. She has 30 years of experience in the accounting and customer service fields. She serves as the bookkeeper/receptionist for the clinic.In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband Corey, children and grandchildren, family and friends. For fun, the great outdoors is her favorite place to be. Other interests include crafting,refurbishing and remodeling, classic vehicles, being creative and bringing ideas to life.

Sara Kudlacek
Sara Kudlacek graduated from Northeast community college in 2013 with a degree in Veterinary technology. She joined Seward Animal Hospital in May of 2015.

Jorja Francis
Jorja Francis joined the Seward Animal Hospital Team as an intern in 2019. She then graduated from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in May 2019, and has been a member of the family ever since.